Voice Support
Kansas Relay is a free 24-hours-a-day service that allows people who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, and/or deaf-blind to place and receive telephone calls. Kansas Relay users can communicate freely with businesses, friends, or family who use a standard telephone. All calls are strictly confidential and no records of any conversations are maintained. Learn more at KansasRelay.com.
To place a call using Kansas Relay, dial 711 or one of the toll-free numbers below:
TTY/Voice: 800.766.3777
Spanish: 866.305.1343
Speech-to-Speech: 866.305.1344
Customer Care Information:
866.735.2957 V/TTY
P.O. Box 285
Aurora, NE 68818
Special points of interest:
Equipment Distribution Program
The Kansas Telecommunications Access Program offers amplified phones, TTYs, Voice Carry Over (VCO) phones, Captioned Telephones and other equipment to eligible Individuals In Kansas who are deaf, deaf-blind, or who have difficulty with speech, mobility and cognitive capabilities. For more Information you can visit www.atk.ku.edu/ks-tap or call 800-526-3648.
Emergency Calls
Please note that 211 is only to be used to reach Kansas Relay Center. In an emergency you should continue to use 911. For emergencies, call 911 or your local emergency service TTY number directly, without using relay. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that 911 centers have a TTY and be prepared to handle emergency calls placed In this manner. Kansas Relay will make every effort to assist you In an emergency. However, It Is Important to understand that relay centers are not 911 centers and do not assume responsibility for emergency calls.