Voice Support

Kansas Lifeline Program

If a customer is eligible for Lifeline services according to the Kansas Lifeline Program guidelines on the previous page, local service and long distance packages are available at the monthly prices listed below (according to service area).

If you don’t currently have telephone service, you may also be eligible for a discount on your connection charge through Link Up America.

You are eligible if you receive any of the following:

Food Stamps, General Assistance, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance to Families, Medicaid, United Tribes Food Distribution Program, Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance, Tribally Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Head Start (only those meeting its income qualifying standard), Free School Lunch Program, 150% of the federal poverty level*. A consumer must provide THREE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS of statements as documentation of income, or provide a copy of their tax return for the previous year.

For more information about Kansas Lifeline or Link Up America, call 800-432-8296

Information prepared by the Kansas Corporation Commission 1.800.662.0027

Kansas Lifeline Program

Voice Service Packages

If a customer is eligible for Lifeline services according to the Kansas Lifeline Program guidelines on the previous page, local service and long distance packages are available at the monthly prices listed below (according to service area):

Bushton, Dorrance, & Holyrood FTTH –

Basic Local Service…………………………………………………… $   14.07

Long Distance (No Toll Package)………………………………. 12.9¢/minute

100 Minutes Toll (Additional Charge)………………………………… $   6.90

200 Minutes Toll (Additional Charge)………………………………… $ 13.80

350 Minutes Toll (Additional Charge)………………………………… $ 24.15

500 Minutes Toll (Additional Charge)………………………………… $ 34.50

500+ Minute Toll Package…………………………………… 6.9¢/minute

Claflin & Ellinwood FTTH  –

Basic Local Service (Ported Number)………………………………. $   6.58

Basic Local Service (Non-ported Number)……………………….. $   4.58

Toll Packages………………………………………………………..ame as Above

Ellsworth FTTH: RDOF Territory –

Basic Local Service (Ported Number)…………………………….. $   28.97

Basic Local Service (Non-ported Number)……………………… $   26.97

Long Distance………………………………………………………… 6.9¢/minute

Unlimited Long Distance………………………………………………. $ 25.00

For questions on eligibility, or to sign up for Lifeline Voice Services in these service areas, please contact H&B Communications/H&B Cable Service at (800) 432-8296.

Kansas Relay is a free 24-hours-a-day service that allows people who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, and/or deaf-blind to place and receive telephone calls. Kansas Relay users can communicate freely with businesses, friends, or family who use a standard telephone. All calls are strictly confidential and no records of any conversations are maintained. Learn more at KansasRelay.com.

To place a call using Kansas Relay, dial 711 or one of the toll-free numbers below:

TTY/Voice: 800.766.3777
Spanish: 866.305.1343
Speech-to-Speech: 866.305.1344

Customer Care Information:

866.735.2957 V/TTY
P.O. Box 285
Aurora, NE 68818

Kansas Relay is a public service which guarantees all citizens access to prompt, professional and accurate communication through the telephone. Consumers of these specialized services, specifically individuals who are deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing or have difficulty speaking, can communicate on the telephone via TTY, Voice Carry Over (VCO), Hearing Carry Over (HCO), Speech-to-Speech (STS), Spanish Relay and Captioned Telephone In order to connect with family, friends or businesses with ease.

Simply dial 711 or the appropriate toll-free number to connect with Kansas Relay. A qualified Communication Assistant (CA) will ask for the area code and number of the person you wish to call and begin the relay call. Generally, the CA will voice the typed message from the text telephone (TTY) user to you. The CA relays your voiced message by typing It to the TIY user.

CTS Is also available and ideal for Individuals with hearing loss who are able to speak for themselves. A captioned telephone works like any other telephone with an essential difference: it allows users to listen to their phone conversations while reading word-for-word captions of what’s said to them.

STS is especially useful for people who have difficulty speaking or being understood on the phone. STS Involves a specially-trained CA who Is familiar with the speech patterns of a wide variety of Individuals who have difficulty being understood.

Kansas Relay allows Spanish-speaking relay users to access all relay call types. Calls can be translated between Spanish and English If you and the person you are calling are both in Kansas.

Both 711 and the 800 numbers are toll-free calls and provide access to the same relay services. All services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you are experiencing trouble dialing 711 to reach Kansas Relay, please call Kansas Relay Customer Care. By law, each conversation Is handled with strict confidentiality. There is no charge to access Kansas Relay.

Special points of interest:

Equipment Distribution Program
The Kansas Telecommunications Access Program offers amplified phones, TTYs, Voice Carry Over (VCO) phones, Captioned Telephones and other equipment to eligible Individuals In Kansas who are deaf, deaf­-blind, or who have difficulty with speech, mobility and cognitive capabilities. For more Information you can visit www.atk.ku.edu/ks-tap or call 800-526-3648.

Emergency Calls
Please note that 211 is only to be used to reach Kansas Relay Center.  In an emergency you should continue to use 911. For emergencies, call 911 or your local emergency service TTY number directly, without using relay. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that 911 centers have a TTY and be prepared to handle emergency calls placed In this manner. Kansas Relay will make every effort to assist you In an emergency. However, It Is Important to understand that relay centers are not 911 centers and do not assume responsibility for emergency calls.